Whether you use your RV or motorhome full time or just use it on the weekends mold and mildew are problems that can pop up from time to time and should not be left untreated. These issues are caused by dampness combined with a lack of airflow. Most of the time this happens when the RV is left sitting unused in a humid storage facility or parked under a tarp. There are a few tips and tricks you can use to prevent these issues. Practicing preventative care for your RV and motorhome is an important step for maintaining its value as well as making sure the you stay healthy while you travel as mold and mildew can cause health problems.

  1. To prevent mold and mildew during storage find a cover that will protect your RV while also allowing it to breathe and vent. A specialized RV tarp may be a bit of an investment upfront, but it can prevent serious damages that can reduce the value of your RV.
  2. If you are a full time RVer one of your best options is to run a small dehumidifier as this will cut down on the moisture and keep your RV dry and mold free. Amazon has dehumidifiers at various price points and sizes for sale.
  3. If you need an option that requires no electricity use a desiccant dehumidifier. It requires no electricity.
  4. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels. Some dehumidifiers come with hygrometers installed, but you can also purchase them separately. The ideal humidity levels are between 30%-50%.
  5. Encourage ventilation. When enclosed spaces never has a chance to dry out, that is when mold occurs. Open a window and vent a window or a couple of windows to get the air flowing through your RV.
  6. Don’t forget the bathroom! Bathrooms provide the perfect habitat for mold. Open the vent regularly and run the fan especially after someone has taken a shower. And leave the door open so there is air movement.
  7. Run the range fan while cooking. Cooking generates a lot of moisture and heat. Keep the range fan running and the windows open when you are using your stove top.
  8. Inspect your pipes regularly. Pipes can leak or crack, allowing moisture to collect in your walls and compartments. Regularly check those areas to make sure there aren’t any leaks or moisture and if there is tend to it immediately.
  9. Run a fan. Fan’s keep air moving throughout your RV so moisture doesn’t have a chance to settle. Fans with space heaters can keep moisture from forming overnight when you are camping in cooler weather conditions.
  10. Wipe down wet surfaces. If you see any condensation on any of your RV’s surfaces, wipe it up right away.

Prevention is the best method when it comes to mold and mildew. If you discover those issues in your RV it is important to have your rig thoroughly cleaned and get an air purifier to get rid of any mold spores. Join us on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Pinterest for more RV education and inspiration.